






(Éowyn is in the hall. She takes a sword out of a chest there. She unsheathes it and looks at it; she begins to swing it around, practicing. Aragorn comes up behind her and as she turns with the sword he brings his sword up to block it.)

Aragorn: You have some skill with a blade.

(She swings the sword around, releasing Aragorn’s block and points the sword at him.)

Éowyn: Women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them. (She sheathes the sword) I fear neither death nor pain.

Aragorn: What do you fear my lady?

Éowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.

Aragorn: (Shakes his head) You’re a daughter of Kings. A shield maiden of Rohan. I do not think that will be your fate.

(He bows to her and leaves. The Rohirrim are leaving Edoras for Helm’s Deep.)

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